Lyricslatest is a platform of sharing Hindi and Punjabi lyrics songs. It presents to you Hindi and Punjabi songs with their lyrics and video. As of now,there are more than 100 songs listed here. You may use the search bar to find a particular Hindi or Punjabi song or browse through using categories and tags.
Please report a bad video link or any other issue, if any via ‘Contact us’ page. Just paste the Web Url of the song and we’ll update the link ASAP.
A note on Copyright : Lyricslatest is strictly against piracy. All Hindi & Punjabi songs with their lyrics, video are available in multiple websites and uploaded at music video sharing websites like YouTube. Video Songs from only authentic and verified YouTube channels are linked here. We haven’t uploaded the video files neither at Lyricslatest not at video sharing website nor we own the copyright of music presented here and sharing thereof is purely for recreational and educational purpose.